AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor


SATCO PMS (Portfolio Management Services) SATCO Capital Markets Limited is a SEBI registered Portfolio Manager specializing in Identifying, Investing and managing listed equity stocks that are fundamentally strong and have good growth potential.

Benefits of Portfolio Management Services:

Professional Management that give you the Portfolio edge.

  • Professional & experienced Fund Managers with excellent track record of Fund Management. Actively managed portfolio, supported by team of experts research analyst. Transparent decision making & timely Performance Reports.
  • Your portfolio performance report is regularly sent, as well as can be tracked on the net.

PMS Portfolio Strategy:

  • Concentrated Portfolio-average 20-25 stocks
  • Long holding periods.
  • Low portfolio churn.
  • Controlling losses by using a disciplined stop loss approach.
  • Minimize risk by using disciplined stop loss approach.
  • Always set the exemplary performance.

Historical Performance:

  • The Growth & Momentum portfolio endeavours to identify bottom up stock ideas in all market conditions. This approach has resulted in the portfolio significantly, outperforming the benchmarks